ALL OF OUR MINISTRIES share a common goal:
to help one another follow Jesus and to thrive together.
We're confident you'll find something right for you!

Resolute Kids
This is our Sunday morning program for kids up to Grade 6. The program teaches God's Word and Biblical truths through fun and interactive activity. The focus is to develop children's relationships with God through Jesus Christ.
Moms Place
For moms with preschoolers. We meet the last Tuesday of each month. 9:30 - 11:00 am

Women's Ministry (Gatherings Just For Us)
We get together throughout the year to encourage one another and address issues that are for us.
​For more information, please contact Laura Teschke.

Resolute Men
We share in a variety of events through the year to simply enjoy and to grow in our life with Jesus.

Miller Lake Camp
We are privileged to own a camp on Miller Lake on the beautiful Bruce Peninsula. Every summer we offer Blast Camp for kids, Refresh Camp for the whole church, and Youth Camp.
We also use it for winter weekends.
The camp is also available for other churches and groups to rent.
(Click for info)

This is our church camp week for anyone who wants to join in --- families, singles, couples.
July 29 - Aug 05, 2023
This is our summer camp held at our camp property Miller Lake Camp. It's open all kids 8-13. We have all of the usual camp fun with leaders who love working with kids.